This week ADOFitness trainers will be addressing some common topics that we often get asked about. Coach Joey discusses the Importance of Water Intake.

It may be hard to believe that over half of our body is made up of water, but it’s true! About 60% of our bodies (give or take) is made up of water… definite proof that the amount of water we consume is very important! Drinking enough water helps your organs function properly and has a ton of benefits! Here are just a few of the many benefits to drinking enough water…

1. Weight loss: Choosing water over sugary drinks, like juice and soda, helps to quench your thirst without the added sugar and calories. Water also helps your body get rid of toxins and helps “flush out your system” so to speak. The more water you take in, the more water you will lose. If you start drinking a gallon of water a day you will lose a couple pounds simply from being hydrated.

2. Increased metabolism and reduced appetite: Two studies have shown that drinking 500 mL (17 ounces) of water can temporarily boost your metabolism by 24-30%! Drinking cold water helps keeps you full because your body has to warm the water up before it can process it – this keeps your stomach feeling fuller and your body has to use more energy to heat the water up, so you will burn more calories.

3. Increased energy and improved brain function: Some studies have shown that as little as 1-1.5% fluid loss during exercise can negatively affect mood and concentration in women. This little amount of fluid loss can also cause increase in headache. Especially when exercising or sweating a lot, it’s important to rehydrate your body to keep your energy and brain function in peak working order!

4. Clear skin: Water helps keep your skin’s elasticity and moisture, so you’ll be less likely to develop wrinkles and dry skn.

5. Decreases constipation: Dehyrdation is one of the most common causes of constipation. When you eat food it goes to your stomach and your large intestine or colon. If you’re dehydrated your large colon soaks up water from your food waste which in turn makes it very difficult for your body to have a bowel movement. So making sure you have a high enough water intake can help your body move things along and help you have more regular bowel movements.

6. Decreases risk of kidney stones: Making sure your body is hydrated will help your kidneys function properly and can decrease your risk for kidney stones. Your kidneys are the filtering system in your body, that help you get rid of excess fluids and wastes, so if you aren’t drinking enough water to help this process, your kidneys will not be able to function properly.

How much water is enough? Well, like all nutrition and exercise, the amount of water you should consume varies based on YOU! Your weight and activity level determine how much water your body needs… the more you weigh, the more water you need; and the more active you are and the more you sweat, the more water you need. At ADOFitness, we tell clients to aim to drink one gallon (128 ounces) of water per day. This may seem like a lot, but there are many ways to get your water in! If you aren’t drinking this much water per day, work your way up to it. Drink a half a gallon for a few days, then increase to 2/3 gallon, and so forth until you reach one gallon per day. You can also add some flavor to help get your water in, like adding fresh fruits, mint, and lemon! You can also drink unsweetened tea to help get your water in. Buying a container that helps you measure how much water you are drinking per day can also help you stay on track. If you buy a 32 ounce water bottle, then you know you need to drink 4 bottles per day to reach your goal of one gallon. Happy drinking
