Carrot Cake Protein Balls ?


What you’ll need:

-1 scoop Royal Sport Ltd. Ice Cream Sandwich Protein (coupon code Amber)
– 3/4 cup blended oats
-1/2 cup oats (mix in at the end)
-3-4 oz of apple sauce
-1 cup cashews
-1/2 cup chopped walnuts
-1/3 cup coconut
-1/4 tsp nutmeg
-1/2 tsp cinnamon
-1 shredded carrot
-1/2 cup pitted dates blended

In a food processor blend together 3/4 of oats, cashews, and walnuts and put into a mixing bowl. Next in your bowl add 1 scoop of Protein, nutmeg, cinnamon, and coconut and mix together. Then you will mix in the shredded carrot. Now blend your dates and add them to your mixture along with 3-4 oz of Apple sauce depending on your protein. I used 4 oz and they were nice and gooey, but if you want them more dry you will add less. Finally mix in the final 1/2 cup of oats then roll into balls and pop in the fridge until firm! Enjoy ?

For a video demonstration click this link: Video
