Raw Snickerdoodle Protein Balls ?


What you will need:
-1/4 cup Snickerdoodle Buff Bake (coupon code Amber)
-1 cup cashews (soaked in water for 30 mins)
-1/2 cup almonds -Splash of Almond milk
-1/2 cup oats
-15 pitted dates -1/2 cup shredded coconut -cinnamon
-1tsp vanilla extract

Directions: First you are going to take your soaked cashews and almonds and blend them into a doughy consistency In a food processor, adding a little almond milk if necessary then set aside in a bowl. Next you are going blend together your dates, Buff Bake, and vanilla and then add a little almond milk if necessary to make a doughy consistency. You are then going to mix everything together including the cinnamon, coconut, and oats and roll into balls! If you’re mixture is wet you can add in some protein powder to change the consistency! Then roll in some shredded coconut, let cool in the fridge and enjoy!!

For a video demonstration click the link: Video
