First pregnancy workout!


Now before we get into it, I want to stress the importance of checking with your doctor before exercising while pregnant, especially with resistance. Everybody is going to be different, and every pregnancy will be different, so take it slow and play it safe because NOTHING is more important than keeping your baby safe!

Today’s workout was total body, light weight with high reps and sets!

Warm up with 3 sets of pyramid lateral raises.

One set of pyramid laterals example: starting with 1 or 3lb weights do 5 laterals, move to 5lbs and do 5 laterals, move to 8lbs and do 5 laterals, until you cannot move up the stack any further and then move back down until you reach your starting weight, should look as follows:

5 X 3, 5 X 5, 5 X 8, 5 X 10, 5 X 12, 5 X 15 etc… IF THIS IS YOUR MAX YOU THEN GO RIGHT BACK TO- 5 X 12, 5 X 10, ETC… I went light on these, only up to 10 lbs to be safe.

Move into seated bicep curls. 15 reps ( I used 10 lbs). Superset with seated overhead extensions with one 10lb dumbbell got triceps. 15 reps. 4 sets.

Seated overhead presses. I used two 10 lb Dumbbells. 4 sets of 15-20 reps.

Body weighed walking lunges. 20 steps. To warm up legs.

Adductor machine- 20 reps superset with abductor machine. 20 reps. 4 sets.

Body weighed walking lunges. 20 steps.

Light straight leg deadlifts. I used two 10lb Dumbbells. 20 reps superset with body weighted donkey kicks. 20 reps per leg. 4 sets. For the donkey kicks I did them standing with a slight forward lean because that felt more comfortable and safe for my baby.

Body weighed walking lunges. 20 steps.

Cool down with 20 minute incline walk. No hands! And last but not least STRETCH! Stretching or doing some yoga is so important while pregnant. Working on your flexibility will help your body adapt more efficiently while you are undergoing so many physical changes. By keeping the range of motion in your joints you are able to avoid postural issues, sciatica pain, connective tissue tears etc.


** I am not licensed in prenatal program design and you must consult a doctor prior to implementing any workouts on this blog**
