Last week I posted about Eccentric Arm Training & HIIT on rolling step mill. You can implement eccentric training with any muscle groups, I just happen to utilize it this week and last week with arm training. In case you missed it, I wanted to repost what I wrote in regards to eccentric training here:

“Today I felt absolutely GREAT- more energy and positivity going into my workout than I have felt in a long time! Today I focused A LOT on contraction of the muscle along with the eccentric motion today with my lift. Eccentric training is defined as active contraction of a muscle occurring simultaneously with lengthening of the muscle . For example, in a biceps curl the action of lowering the dumbbell back down from the lift is the eccentric phase of that exercise — as long as the dumbbell is lowered slowly rather than letting it drop (i.e the bicep muscle is in a state of contraction to control the rate of descent of the dumbbell). Eccentric training focuses on slowing down the elongation of the muscle process in order to challenge the muscles, which can lead to stronger muscles, faster muscle repair and increasing metabolic rate.

I finished my workout with a 20 minute HIIT session on the rolling stepmill. One minute at level 4, one minute at level 14 for 20 minutes. I was sweating buckets.”


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